Richard Levitan

Richard L. Levitan, President & Principal

Richard leads the firm’s advisory services in the areas of power plant valuation, contract restructuring, wholesale power procurement, and gas transportation management. He advises regulatory commissions on diverse matters pertaining to resource planning and procurement. Mr. Levitan has 34 years of industry experience in finance, regulation, and wholesale market analysis. He has managed gas pipeline adequacy and storage deliverability studies for PJM, NYISO, ISO-NE, the ISO of Ontario and NERC, as well as for utilities, pipelines, and storage companies. Mr. Levitan has testified many times at FERC and before state and provincial regulatory commissions.


Prior to establishing Levitan & Associates in 1989, Mr. Levitan was a consultant at Stone & Webster Management Consultants, Inc. In the 1970s he was an Economist at Pacific Gas & Electric Co. He received his B.A. from Cornell University and his Masters degree from Harvard University where he specialized in Energy Economics. He also attended Stanford University’s Post-graduate Industrial Organization Management Program.


John Bitler

John R. Bitler, Vice President & Principal

John has close to 40 years of experience in the energy industry encompassing a wide range of fuel, power, and emissions control issues. Mr. Bitler advises utilities, power generators, state regulatory agencies, and end-users regarding fuel market trends, procurement administration, gas supply and infrastructure developments, and emission control costs. He is responsible for LAI’s fuel market analysis and forecasting activities. Mr. Bitler has directed wholesale power solicitations and auctions on behalf of utilities and state agencies with responsibilities for procuring energy, capacity, and renewable energy credits. He has been responsible for administering the procurement process, market analysis. He has managed gas pipeline adequacy and storage deliverability studies for PJM, NYISO, ISO-NE, the ISO of Ontario and NERC, as well as for utilities, pipelines, and storage companies. Mr. Levitan has testified many times at FERC and before state and provincial regulatory commissions.


Prior to joining LAI in 1992, Mr. Bitler was President of Environmental Catalyst Consultants, Inc., where he was responsible for engagements assessing the feasibility of catalytic emissions control processes. He previously was an Executive Consultant at Stone & Webster Management Consultants. His industry experience includes commercial development and planning positions at InterNorth, Inc. and engineering positions at U.S. Steel Corporation. Mr. Bitler holds a B.S. degree in Mineral Economics from The Pennsylvania State University and an M.S. degree from The University of Pittsburgh in Mining Engineering.


 Seth Parker

Seth G. Parker, Vice President & Principal

Seth is an economics and financial manager with 34 years of experience in wholesale market design, price forecasting, power and transmission project economics, credit and collateral issues, and the development, valuation, and financing of both conventional and renewable resources. Mr. Parker has assisted the NYISO with updating the Spot Capacity Market demand curve parameters and generation companies on capacity market design in multiple markets. Mr. Parker has testified before state regulatory commissions, in state and federal courts, and before FERC on diverse matters pertaining to offshore wind and renewable resources, integrated resource planning, wholesale procurement practices, power plant economics, financial issues, and competitive market design.


Prior to joining LAI in 1998, Mr. Parker was a Vice President of Stone & Webster Management Consultants where he conducted due diligence in support of over $6 billion of domestic and overseas power project debt. He held positions at J. Makowski Associates, ThermoElectron Energy Systems, and in the Treasurer’s Office at Pacific Gas & Electric. Mr. Parker received a Sc.B. from Brown University in Applied Mathematics / Economics and an M.B.A. from the Wharton School in Operations Research / Finance. He has completed additional coursework in geopolitics at the Kennedy School, Harvard University.


 Ellen Cool

Ellen G. Cool, Ph.D., Vice President & Principal

Ellen has 27 years of consulting experience in the energy and environmental industries. She has advised clients on competitive procurement options for wholesale power and fuel supply, including HVDC transmission projects, natural gas-fired plants, and renewable generation projects. Dr. Cool has extensive expertise in environmental compliance strategies and regulation, siting and permitting, renewable technologies, combined heat and power systems, contract restructuring, and integrated resource planning. She has managed competitive procurements for wholesale power supplies and for new generation resources on behalf of electric utilities and state regulatory agencies. She testifies regularly before PURA in Connecticut and has also testified before the New Jersey BPU and the Massachusetts EFSB.


Prior to joining LAI in 1999, Dr. Cool was a Principal with Harding Lawson Associates, Inc. (formerly ABB Environmental Services, Inc.), where she managed the New Englandregion for the engineering and environmental consulting firm. She previously was a project manager at TRC Corporation and Woodward Clyde Consultants, and also worked in mining and minerals exploration. Dr. Cool received an A.B. in Geological Sciences from Harvard University, and an M.S. and Ph.D. in Geological Sciences from the University of Washington.






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20 Custom House Street, Suite 830  Boston, MA 02110   (617) 531-2818
© 2012 Levitan & Associates, Inc.