Clean Power & Carbon Management


Assessing Implications and Formulating Successful Strategies


LAI’s clean power and carbon management advisory services are focused on providing simulation modeling, regulatory analyses, financial assessments, and technology evaluations to support resource planning in a carbon constrained world. LAI works closely with utilities, state agencies, power generators, large electricity end-users, and financial institutions throughout North America assessing the regulatory and commercial issues that frame decision-making for investments in power generation and emissions control technologies, transmission projects, and renewable energy. We have advised clients regarding the challenges associated with the commercialization of wind projects and have conducted biomass feasibility studies and related fuel assessments. Our due diligence engagements include assessing the market implications and risks posed by air emissions and water discharge regulations for generation asset investments.


LAI employs advanced modeling capabilities to characterize the complex interactions among fuel prices, emission allowance prices, clean power technology options, renewable energy credits, offsets and other regulatory requirements. Our modeling and analysis provide a reliable platform to support resource planning and compliance decisions. Our engineers, geologists, economists, and market specialists offer the experience and expertise necessary for assessing the economic implications of greenhouse gas policies and legislation. We help clients balance the cost and performance of resource portfolios that involve a mix of traditional and clean power technologies, demand response initiatives, and carbon capture and sequestration alternatives.


LAI’s clean power and carbon management advisory services include:

  • Assessments of clean power strategies under competitive market conditions
  • Engineering and financial viability assessments of emerging clean coal, renewable energy, and emissions control technologies
  • Designing and evaluating DR and renewable policy initiatives
  • Administration and monitoring of REC procurements, allowance auctions, and clean power RFPs
  • Due diligence to acquire and finance clean power and related transmission projects
  • Revitalizing aging infrastructure while reducing air emissions
  • Analytical support to formulate and implement carbon management strategies



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20 Custom House Street, Suite 830  Boston, MA 02110   (617) 531-2818
© 2012 Levitan & Associates, Inc.